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Heierhof Mini Camping / Struisvogelboerderij

Riethoven, North Brabant

The campsite is located in the outskirts of Riethoven, and is divided into three areas. The whole is lined with trees and shrubs. From the grounds you have a view over fields and meadows and you can see a pine forest in the distance. A path next to the ostrich meadow leads you to the campsite and you are now more than 100 meters from the paved road. So you certainly do not suffer from passing cars and other traffic noise. From the campsite you walk directly into the woods via a path. There are 25 comfort pitches spread over three separate fields. All comfort pitches have a connection for water, electricity (6A per connection) and also drainage. A wireless connection is available for internet users. There is covered parking for cyclists.

Camping booking

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Camping Riethoven Camping Riethoven Camping Riethoven Camping Riethoven
Heated sanitary rooms. Showers, sinks, counters with hot water, electricity, and drain for the chemical toilet. And clean, of course! You also have a washing machine at your disposal.

Camping Riethoven Camping Riethoven Camping Riethoven

Booking at Heierhof Mini Camping / Struisvogelboerderij

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Tel: 040-2042721


Heierhof Mini Camping / Struisvogelboerderij
Heiereind 11
5561 BB Riethoven


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