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Minicamping Wylerberg

Berg en Dal, Gelderland

Near Nijmegen, at the foot of the beautiful nature of the Duivelsberg, you will find our mini-campsite Wylerberg.Our mini-campsite is not visible from the public road.You feel that you are in little Switzerland, the view is beautiful.

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Camping Berg en Dal Camping Berg en Dal Camping Berg en Dal
It is a whimsical and here and there rugged forest area with hills and valleys, coniferous and deciduous trees. Interspersed with cultural soils, streams and springs. In our yard you will find the still existing clay pit from which the Romans dug up loam for their nearness. located brick and pan bakery. At this unique place you can fully enjoy the beautiful nature, here is still peace and space. We are open from March 15 to October 31. You will also find on the mini campsite: Generous pitches with power supply. Neat sanitary facilities, 5 showers, 4 toilets. Recreation area with board games and a small counter. a washing machine can be used. Chemical toilet disposal site.

Booking at Minicamping Wylerberg

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Tel: 024 3974851


Minicamping Wylerberg
Oude Kleefsebaan 427
6572 AZ Berg en Dal


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